"Empower the talents in a child, sharpen their skills, inspire their vision and ignite their love of learning"

- Professor Ally, co-founder and seasoned educator from several renowned independent schools including Ransom Everglades in Miami and Friends Academy in NY


Engaging Kids Law Program

The Little Lawyers Preschool Curriculum

STEM Projects

Experiential STEM program exclusive for little lawyer kids

Parental Partnerships

Advanced parental coaching for little lawyers to flourish at home

What are the key elements of our campus culture At The Little Lawyers STEM Preschool?


Little lawyer kids ignite a true love for life-long learning


Little lawyer kids create, craft, cultivate, engineer, problem-solve, and design using their own hands in order to experiment and gain exciting experiences


Little lawyer kids gain a global experience expanding and supporting diversity and inclusivity


Little lawyer kids diving into a sea of literacy, especially highlights legal lingo and STEM-based literacy