Our Programs

foster conscious young citizens 

aware and knowledgeable about their rights

and respectful of the rights of others 
















Take a peek at just a few of our Legal Teach Workshops below.


Power of One

Awakening young minds to be leading conscious citizens aware of the law, their own rights, respectful of the rights of others, and aware of the strength of their own voice


Kid Conflicts with Legal Limits

Kids expending their legal literacy and comprehension of laws to use as key tools to resolve conflict

Law & Kids Inclusivity Practices

Exploring actual cases resulting from the typical legal issues kids go through when adjusting to diverse issues, inclusivity challenges, and legal understanding of inclusivity

Keeping Anger Legal

Identifying anger in school students and channeling it to achieve positive law-abiding actions and interactions

Law & Listening

Fine-tuning critical universal listening skills as fact finding analytical tools in the field of law

Social Media Burn or Brand

Providing a legal framework on the benefits and potential risks associated with the use of social media and wireless technologies branding kids