A Domestic War Zone: Can Law Make the Difference?

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The goal to advance as a society respectful of all just took another open-hand slap to an already flustered face. Kids, three teens and one young man in his twenties, made national news Friday for kidnapping a “mentally challenged” young man and repeatedly beating him on a live Facebook feed. Fortunately, the teenage victim managed […]

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Are we failing to protect and inform our kids?

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 When I gave birth to my son, our lives instantly changed. The innocence of a newborn can sound a wake-up call unlike any other. The shrilling high-pitched echoing, at times akin only to music in a Steven King horror film, ripples through your head like a missile launched into the unknown universe. This natural noise […]

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Bullying Breaks Laws. But do kids know it’s illegal?

Posted Posted in LKJ Blog

  Anti-bullying campaigns have popped up throughout the country in recent years. Why? Plain and simple — it’s because a growing number of children do not understand and/or respect limits. The word “no” has evolved into a string of other terms — “maybe”, “we’ll see”, or more often (than not) “yes”. Kids are “getting their way” more than ever […]

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